
The starting point for solid state structures is a periodic lattice. Electrum provides convenient types and functions for working with lattices of arbitrary dimension, not just three dimensions.

Real and reciprocal space traits

The Electrum.BySpace{D} supertype contains two types, Electrum.ByRealSpace{D} and Electrum.ByReciprocalSpace{D}, where D is the number of dimensions associated with the dataset. These types are used to denote whether data is associated with real space (e.g. electron density) or reciprocal space (e.g. the Fourier transform of the electron density). When working with lattices, it is important to distinguish the two types of lattice: this is the primary reason why bare SMatrix{D,D,T} instances are not used in this package.

Electrum.LatticeBasis and methods

The Electrum.LatticeBasis{S<:Electrum.BySpace,D,T} data type is a wrapper for an SMatrix{D,D,T,D^2} which represents the real or reciprocal space basis vectors of a lattice.

Electrum does not export Electrum.LatticeBasis, but instead provide the following aliases. This allows developers to alter the implementation of Electrum.LatticeBasis without breaking the API:

const RealBasis = Electrum.LatticeBasis{ByRealSpace}
const ReciprocalBasis = Electrum.LatticeBasis{ByReciprocalSpace}
const AbstractBasis = Electrum.LatticeBasis{<:BySpace}

Note that RealBasis{D} === Electrum.LatticeBasis{ByRealSpace,D}, and not Electrum.LatticeBasis{ByRealSpace{D},D}. While the latter is a valid type and can be used to store data, the result of Electrum.DataSpace(::Electrum.LatticeBasis{ByRealSpace{D},D}) is an error!

The units of RealBasis are bohr, and those of ReciprocalBasis are radians over bohr, corresponding with the convention that the dot product of a real basis vector with a corresponding reciprocal basis vector is 2π.


A RealBasis or ReciprocalBasis can be constructed from an AbstractMatrix, Tuple, or iterator of the correct size.

In the case of a StaticMatrix, the size and element type are already known, so the constructors can simply be called as RealBasis or ReciprocalBasis:

julia> RealBasis(SMatrix{3,3}(1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3))
Electrum.LatticeBasis{Electrum.ByRealSpace, 3, Int64}:
    a: [  1.000000   0.000000   0.000000 ]   (1.000000 bohr)
    b: [  0.000000   2.000000   0.000000 ]   (2.000000 bohr)
    c: [  0.000000   0.000000   3.000000 ]   (3.000000 bohr)

However, in the case of a Matrix or other dynamically sized data, the dimension is not known and should be supplied to avoid an exception being thrown. This is to avoid type instability arising from determining the size at runtime:

julia> RealBasis{3}([1 0 0; 0 2 0; 0 0 3])
Electrum.LatticeBasis{Electrum.ByRealSpace, 3, Int64}:
    a: [  1.000000   0.000000   0.000000 ]   (1.000000 bohr)
    b: [  0.000000   2.000000   0.000000 ]   (2.000000 bohr)
    c: [  0.000000   0.000000   3.000000 ]   (3.000000 bohr)

In either case, you can supply the element type (though it must be proceeded by the dimension in all cases) to convert the input elements to the desired type (here, it's Float32):

julia> RealBasis{3,Float32}(SMatrix{3,3}(1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3))
Electrum.LatticeBasis{Electrum.ByRealSpace, 3, Float32}:
    a: [  1.000000   0.000000   0.000000 ]   (1.000000 bohr)
    b: [  0.000000   2.000000   0.000000 ]   (2.000000 bohr)
    c: [  0.000000   0.000000   3.000000 ]   (3.000000 bohr)


A RealBasis can be converted to a ReciprocalBasis via Base.convert or their constructors, and vice versa:

b = ReciprocalBasis(a)
c = convert(RealBasis, b)

Avoid needless back-and-forth conversions between RealBasis and ReciprocalBasis to avoid numerical instabilities.

Mathematical operations

The RealBasis and ReciprocalBasis types support the majority of common operations used in solid-state chemistry, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, left division, and right division.

Importantly, it supports the QR decomposition provided by LinearAlgebra.qr. This decomposition is useful in that it generates a $Q$ factor, which is an orthogonal matrix (representing a Euclidean point isometry - compositions of rotations and reflections) and an $R$ factor, which is an upper triangular matrix. This operation is useful in converting lattices to a standard orientation: in the case of a QR decomposition, the $R$ factor places the first basis vector of the lattice along the first basis vector of space. In 3D, this means that $\vec{a}$ is collinear with $\vec{x}$.

Calling LinearAlgebra.qr(::AbstractBasis{D,T}) returns a StaticArrays.QR{SMatrix{D,D,T,D^2}, SMatrix{D,D,T,D^2}, SVector{D,Int}}, so the $Q$ and $R$ factors are bare $SMatrix$ instances. While this is fine for the $Q$ matrix, the $R$ matrix represents a basis, and we expect an AbstractBasis return value. The triangularize function returns the $R$ factor of a QR decomposition as an AbstractBasis, discarding the $Q$ factor.

triangularize(l::T) where T<:LatticeBasis -> T

Converts a set of basis vectors to an upper triangular form using QR decomposition.

triangularize(l::T, sc::AbstractMatrix{<:Integer}) where T<:LatticeBasis -> T

Converts a set of basis vectors to an upper triangular form using QR decomposition, with an included conversion to a larger supercell. The resulting matrix that describes the basis vectors will have only positive values along the diagonal, and therefore, is always right-handed (regardless of the transformation matrix used).

LAMMPS expects that basis vectors are given in this format.


Support for the corresponding LQ decomposition (where $L$ is a lower triangular matrix) is not yet implemented.

Implementation details

The SMatrix{D1,D2,T,L} type requires four type parameters - D1 and D2 are each of the matrix dimensions, and T is the element type of the matrix. However, one last parameter is needed: L, the length of the NTuple that backs the SMatrix.

Julia currently does not allow for the calculation of type parameters from other type parameters, which poses a problem in the declaration of structs. Technically, a type like SMatrix{3,3,Float64} is an abstract type, as the L parameter is undeclared, even though the value of L is always D1 * D2. By declaring a struct to have this type, there seems to be a performance drop.

The LatticeBasis types wrap an SVector{D,SVector{D,Float64}}. This only requires a single type parameter D, and allows for fully concrete struct declarations. The :matrix property converts this data to an SMatrix{D,D,T,D^2} instance, and methods needing to access something that looks like a matrix reference this property.

Basis vectors in composite types

Some types (such as Electrum.DataGrid) store a set of basis vectors as part of the dataset. The basis function allows a user to access that set of basis vectors. By default, basis(x) returns x.basis, so defining a field basis::RealBasis{...} or basis::ReciprocalBasis{...} implements these functions automatically.


basis(x) returns an AbstractBasis, but there is no guarantee whether the return type is RealBasis or ReciprocalBasis. Use convert(::Type{<:AbstractBasis}, basis(x)) to ensure that the return type is what you expect.

The type of basis vectors stored also allows for inference of the data space trait, as the default definition of DataSpace(::Type{T}) is fieldtype(T, :basis). We encourage you to choose your basis vector type to match the data you wish to represent.


For performance reasons, we encourage you to define struct fields with concrete types, and use type parameters in your struct definitions to ensure that the type is concrete.