
Indexing is a critical operation in linear algebra: it would be difficult to imagine defining operations on vectors, matrices, and arrays without some way of determining the coefficient at a particular location in the object. Similarly, we often want to extract coefficients from multivectors to perform operations.

However, the philosophy of this package – treating multivectors a number system on the same footing as that of complex numbers or quaternions – means that the AbstractCliffordNumber type foregoes array semantics. All AbstractCliffordNumber instances broadcast as scalars: for two instances x and y, x * y is identical to x .* y, both of which calculate the geometric product.

On top of this, the grade representation of multivectors makes it difficult to relate the indices of the backing Tuple for each type to the blades represented by the multivector for anything other than the dense CliffordNumber. To solve this issue, this package provides types specifically intended for indexing AbstractCliffordNumber subtypes: BitIndex{Q} and the subtypes of AbstractBitIndices{Q,C}, BitIndices{Q,C} and TransformedBitIndices{Q,C}.


The BitIndex{Q} type is the index type for AbstractCliffordNumber{Q}. This types wraps a UInt: the first dimension(Q) bits represent the presence or absence of the basis vectors associated with each dimension that are used to construct the indexed blade. The most significant bit is a sign bit: this is needed to represent the parity associated with the order of wedge products used to construct the blade.

Regardless of what position in the underlying Tuple a coefficient may be, if x == y, then the same BitIndex b will index x and y identically:

julia> k = KVector{1,VGA(3)}(4,2,0)
3-element KVector{1, VGA(3), Int64}:
4e₁ + 2e₂

julia> b = BitIndex(k, 1)
BitIndex(Val(VGA(3)), 1)

julia> k == OddCliffordNumber(k)

julia> k[b] == OddCliffordNumber(k)[b]

It should also be noted that indexing an AbstractCliffordNumber at an index which is not explicitly represented by the type returns zero:

julia> k[BitIndex(k, 1, 2)]


The internal constructor BitIndex{Q}(signbit::Bool, blade::Unsigned) converts blade to a UInt and changes the most significant bit to match signbit. However, in many cases, constructing a BitIndex{Q} directly from the sign bit and representation of the blade as an unsigned integer is inconvenient.

For this reason, we define two constructors, the first being BitIndex(::Val{Q}, i::Integer...), which takes the algebra Q wrapped in Val (for reasons of type stability) and the integers i corresponding to basis blade indices defined in Q. The second constructor, BitIndex(x, i::Integer...) calls BitIndex(Val(signature(x))), i...), automatically determining Q.

In both cases, the parity of the permutation of indices is determined automatically from the integer arguments, so this bit is automatically assigned. The presence of a parity bit allows for correct indexing with non-lexicographic conventions: in some literature, $e_3 e_1$ is used instead of $e_1 e_3$ for one of the bivector components of APS and STA.

julia> l = KVector{2,VGA(3)}(0,6,9)
3-element KVector{2, VGA(3), Int64}:
6e₁e₃ + 9e₂e₃

julia> l[BitIndex(l, 1, 3)]

julia> l[BitIndex(l, 3, 1)]

Tuples of BitIndex{Q}

Julia AbstractArray instances can be indexed not just with integers, but with arrays of integers or special objects representing iterable ranges, such as :. Perhaps surprisingly, tuples containing integers (or any other valid index object) are not valid indices of AbstractArray:

julia> (1:10)[(2, 3, 4)]
ERROR: ArgumentError: invalid index: (2, 3, 4) of type Tuple{Int64, Int64, Int64}

In the case of AbstractCliffordNumber, we have a compelling reason to use tuples of BitIndex{Q} objects for indexing: since the length of a Tuple is known statically, we can use that information to construct a new Tuple of coefficients with statically known length, which may be useful if we want to leverage indexing to convert types. Therefore, indexing an AbstractCliffordNumber{Q,T} with an NTuple{N,BitIndex{Q}} returns an NTuple{N,T}, which can be fed into the constructor for a different type, and this is what the package uses internally to perform conversion.


BitIndex{Q} supports a variety of unary and binary operations, many of which are used internally for tasks like calculating geometric products. Many of these operations are also supported for AbstractCliffordNumber{Q} instances, such as negation (-) and the geometric product (*).


Considering that the indices of an AbstractCliffordNumber provided by this package are known from the type, it makes sense to define a type which represents all indices of a subtype or instance of AbstractCliffordNumber. This package defines the supertype AbstractBitIndices{Q,C} and concrete types BitIndices{Q,C} and TransformedBitIndices{Q,C,F} that allow for easy operation across all valid indices of a type C.


The BitIndices object for an AbstractCliffordNumber subtype C or instance x can be constructed with BitIndices(C) or BitIndices(x). This is a singleton type which is also returned by eachindex(x).

The type information of the BitIndices object is used to determine the type of the result of indexing. Conveniently, you can index one Clifford number x with the indices of another Clifford number y, and this converts x to the a type similar to that of y, but retaining the element type of x:

julia> k = KVector{1,VGA(3)}(4,2,0)             # eltype Int64
3-element KVector{1, VGA(3), Int64}:
4e₁ + 2e₂

julia> z = zero(CliffordNumber{VGA(3),Float64}) # eltype Float64
8-element CliffordNumber{VGA(3), Float64}:

julia> k[BitIndices(ans)]
8-element CliffordNumber{VGA(3), Int64}:
4e₁ + 2e₂

BitIndices{Q,C} subtypes AbstractBitIndices{Q,C}, which subtypes AbstractVector{BitIndex{Q}}, meaning that the objects can be indexed with integers. This indexing is one-based to match the indices of the Tuple backing a CliffordNumber, but this is subject to change in the future.

Avoiding type proliferation with `BitIndices`

One fundamental issue with BitIndices{Q,C} is that C is only constrained to be a subtype of AbstractCliffordNumber{Q}. However, C may have other type parameters that vary, but produce objects that index equivalently and are identical elementwise:

julia> BitIndices{STA,CliffordNumber{STA}}() == BitIndices{STA,CliffordNumber{STA,Float32}}()

julia> BitIndices{STA,CliffordNumber{STA}}() == BitIndices{STA,CliffordNumber{STA,Float32,8}}()

For this reason, you should call BitIndices(x) or BitIndices(C) instead of directly constructing BitIndices{Q,C}().


If we want to perform a transformation on all elements of a BitIndices instance, we may use dot syntax and broadcast an operation: for instance, reverse.(BitIndices(x)) to obtain the reverse of all indices. Without any explicit specification of behavior, this will return a Vector, and for the sake of performance we'd like to avoid returning types without statically known lengths.

We could solve this by converting BitIndices to a Tuple internally as part of the broadcasting implementation, but doing this will cause its own set of problems: indexing an AbstractCliffordNumber with a Tuple returns a Tuple. This may be fine internally, if we know to call the constructor, but this is potentially confusing for new users. For this reason, we provide TransformedBitIndices{Q,C,F}, which is a lazy representation of a function applied to every element of BitIndices(C).

For convenience, we provide a few aliases for operations which are commonly used with BitIndices:

  • ReversedBitIndices{Q,C} is the type of reverse.(::BitIndices{Q,C}).
  • GradeInvolutedBitIndices{Q,C} is the type of grade_involution.(::BitIndices{Q,C}).
  • ConjugatedBitIndices{Q,C} is the type of conj.(::BitIndices{Q,C}).

In the future, we may override some broadcast implementations to ensure that all of these types are interconvertible with each other and with BitIndices{Q,C}.